Saturday, October 29, 2011

Thrift Finds

Today was a really busy, productive, fun and very tiring day. I've been tired all week from lack of sleep (baby not sleeping at night), school, work and family. I wanted to take today easy and just laze around the house. At the same time I had quite an extensive list of things I wanted/needed to do, especially since last week I didn't get to much.
One of those things was thrift store shopping, and today was quite a lucky day. I also took my girls to a farm to go pick out pumpkins.

I plan on spray painting that bird cage. I can't decide what color yet, I am thinking of either white or red. This bird cage was a gasp moment when I saw it. :-)   I love my wood candle holder, I wish I had a pair, but oh well.  All these for just $12.94, I call that a successful shopping trip!

How is your weekend going so far?

(Images by Fatou Bah)


  1. I love thrift shopping!!! What a gorge haul Fatou! I cant wait to see what color the cage ends up.

    I actually like that the candle holder is all lonesome. It makes it more interesting.
    love your eye!

  2. Out of all the finds I think the candlestick is my favorite.
    I can't wait for us to go thrifting together someday soon...oh how fun will that be!


Hi!! So happy you stopped by, can't wait to hear what you have to say. :-)