Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Cheerful Interiors

One of the best things about living in the Pacific Northwest is the gorgeous greenery. Like the saying goes though, everything comes at a price and our price for the beautiful nature is LOTS of rain! It has been raining non stop for the last few days. That means cold grey weather over here. I am in need of some cheery colorful spaces. I need to be transported. :-)

If any of you are in a similar predicament, I hope these spaces have gotten you energized. If you are one of the lucky people living in a gorgeous sunny part of the world, then don't tell me! :-) What is going on in your part of the world? I'd like to hear.

(Style at Home)


  1. These are just the energy boost I needed. It is like a glamor happy pill. It has to be said.... YOU HAVE AN INCREDIBLE EYE! You compile the most amazing imagery of spaces and decor. It is what you throw together, stunning.

  2. Ahhh thank you so much my dear!!!

    kiss kiss :-)


Hi!! So happy you stopped by, can't wait to hear what you have to say. :-)