Saturday, January 28, 2012

NEW - Serena & Lily

Serena & Lily is one of my favorite online shops to peek into every once in a while. They always have beautiful collections to inspire good design. I am really liking their collection of African finds. I love the prints, patterns, bold colors that is oh so African. Adding even one of these into your space will add something special to it.
These beautiful baskets will look great as wall displays.
I love the unusual shape of this basket.

I am a sucker for beading, and these little handcrafted beaded animals are the cutest things! These will be great clustered in a kids room/playroom. They have a wide selection of animals (a lot of it sold out :-( )

(Image: Serena & Lily)


  1. These are beautiful and make me smile!
    Thank you for creating a space that always brings me joy

  2. If that is all I've done today, then I have succeeded. :-)

  3. The pink pillow and zebra are my favorites! Pretty cool stuff.


Hi!! So happy you stopped by, can't wait to hear what you have to say. :-)