Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hello February & Little Brown Pen

Hello February! Let me just put this out there...I am one of "those" people who LOVES valentine's day. :-)  I  don't understand people who don't, I mean, really, it's a day celebrating love. Flowers, chocolates, love notes, romantic dinners, dressing up, all that giddiness it brings - love it all. I know people talk about the commercialization of it, but hey, you take the good with the bad. I love love, and a day to celebrate love, sign me up!  So I thought we'll kick start this wonderful month, that also happens to be my baby's birth month, with dreamy, romantic photos.

These gorgeous images are by Nichole Robertson, and she has these beautiful prints available in her Etsy shop, Little Brown Pen.

(Images: Little Brown Pen)

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Hi!! So happy you stopped by, can't wait to hear what you have to say. :-)