Thursday, March 29, 2012

Fun & Easy Displays

Hello everyone! I have been superwoman today if I may say so myself. I woke up got my older daughter ready for school, dropped her off, and headed to the bank before making three stops at three different grocery stores. Came home ate breakfast, spent some time with by sweet baby Z, then unto cleaning bathrooms, and now I'm done prepping my food that is cooking. Whew, tired just talking about it :-)
While cleaning though, I was looking at some of my jewelry and perfume arrangements on the dresser and thinking how easy it was to put together, it all happened organically without much thought to it. I love when things work out that way. I thought I'd share some easy tips that you could use, or they might inspire you to come up with your own.

The tray housing my perfumes is actually a serving tray. I bought it because I liked it, but it is quite small, and I thought about using it in my office to hold bills which would have worked too.

You shouldn't limit yourself to just the things the stores are selling you as jewelry holders, bathroom storage, etc. If you have a plate you like that you may not be able to use in your kitchen use it to hold your precious jewels. I found this plate at an antique shop, and it was so precious I had to have it. It is elaborately decorated, and I couldn't think of a better use for it.

I used a bamboo cutting board that I picked up at TJ Maxx to hold lotions in my bathroom. It goes to show how you are only limited by your imagination.

Using pegs and knobs is a nice way to hang your necklaces, they make for a beautiful display, and for easy access. I used pushpins, they were supposed to be temporary but it's been over a year now. One of these day's I'll change it, but for now it works. The candle holder is actually a soap dish that I thought would be better used as a candle stand. The decorative box it's sitting on also has more jewels in it :-). Its a versatile box I got from West Elm, it is a golden mother of pearl like material and perfect for storage.

What fun things have you used for something other than their intended purposes?

(Images: Fatou Bah)

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