Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Beautiful Day!

I just came back from a jog people! Okay maybe not a full blown jog, more like jog one minute, walk 10 but still. It is such a gorgeous day. I woke up to sunshine today, as soon as baby Z woke up, I fed her, strapped her in her stroller and off we went. Thankfully I had my dandy phone to take pictures to share with you. The trail by our home was filled with pink blooms, birds were chirping, the air was so nice and fresh, and there was this beautiful scent in the air. Everyone we came across had a smile on their face, and were beyond friendly. I tell you what a little sunshine can do, especially after a long stretch of grey skies. 

I had to snap a photo of this cute little purple house. 

I brought a branch home, and now the house smells really nice. Unfortunately the vase will be moving soon, before one of the kids gets to it. I'm surprised baby girl hasn't tried to pull it down yet. :-)

I hope you are having a beautiful day!

(Images: Fatou Bah)

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Hi!! So happy you stopped by, can't wait to hear what you have to say. :-)