Saturday, May 5, 2012

Saturday Market

In this day of every planned moment, it is nice to have days were you are able to just go with the flow. The best spontaneous moments happen when you allow your self to go with the flow of the day. After taking my older daughter to her dance class we were driving home and going back and forth on what we should do/where to go. Hubby came up with taking a trip to the Saturday Market. It was so much fun, it was a bit cloudy and cold but that didn't stop people from coming out. There was a joyful vibe in the air, that I find at Saturday markets for some reason. I captured a few photos, I didn't want to get too involved in the photo and miss out on the fun of it all. Nor did I want to be the annoying girl constantly snapping photos. :-)

I hope whatever you did today brought you much joy. I had a lot of laughs with the kids running around in the park and snacking on yummy pastries.

(Images: Fatou Bah)


  1. these photos are just so whimsical Fatou. What a gorgeous day you must have had.
    Thank you for sharing.

  2. Thank you my dear, for your constant support and kind words!


Hi!! So happy you stopped by, can't wait to hear what you have to say. :-)