Monday, September 24, 2012

Heather Moore - Skinny LaMinx

I am so excited to share the work of South African illustrator Heather Moore with you today. She's got me totally inspired with her beautiful screen prints. Another thing that struck and drew me into her work is how she shares what inspired the beautiful prints that she comes up with.

I like the playful quality of this tea towel's print. This pattern was also created by Heather from an actual bunch of greens she bought, capturing the different shapes and patterns.

This cutout led to these beautiful prints below....I like seeing how she arrived to her designs. It's like a window into a the creative process.


You probably recognize the blue tea towel from here.

Her work is a testament to the saying that inspiration really is everywhere. All we have to do is stay open and be aware.

Have a beautiful Monday!

(Images: Skinny LaMinx)

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Hi!! So happy you stopped by, can't wait to hear what you have to say. :-)