Sunday, October 7, 2012

Lovely Sweet William Illustrations

Yesterday evening, I sat outside my house while J played with neighborhood kids, they were squealing with joy, running around, riding their scooters and bicycles. The Fall wind blowing golden orange leaves off the trees, which made a soothing whistling sound. I sat drinking a cup of tea and going through the illustrations by Lovely Sweet Wiliam. I saw their beautiful illustrations in a way I hadn't before. It could have been the moment, but there was a sudden emotional connection I felt to them.

I absolutely love it! I love the color palette, it has a romantic quality, the blue and the pink balloons says to me, lovers encouraging each other to go for the impossible. I hear her telling him to follow her to places others can only dream about. :-)

This one made me chuckle as I sat there with my cup of tea. Tea really does make everything better.

"This is of a woman chasing after something that is beautiful." Now that I can relate to - simply beautiful!
I hope you like these as much as I do. You can find plenty more of their beautiful illustrations here. Have a beautiful Sunday!

PS: I am going to the Home and Garden Expo today, and I am so excited about all the wonderful things I'll be seeing today! I hope to learn something new, and be inspired! I have my iPhone with me so pictures shall be taken and shared.

(Images: Lovely Sweet William)

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