I've had this idea for this light brewing for a few months now. It has been a matter of having time to execute the idea. I first bought this light over two years ago when redoing my older daughter's room, but it didn't work with the fixture in her room. I returned and bought another one that turned out to be even more perfect. A year later, redoing our bedroom I bought it again (true love don't you think?) knowing that more than likely it wouldn't work, but I knew there had to be a way around it. Too bad I have no clue about electrical stuff, and neither does the husband, and I did get a lecture about that too. Good/bad I don't give up when I really want something, it can be a really bad thing, but sometimes it really pays off, and when it does, it does big time :-).

Okay so while driving from the grocery store one day my mind wandering as it usually does, I get this brilliant idea to add old copper coins to the lamp whether gluing or tying them somehow. The idea pretty much grew from there.
via Decor Pad |
This Leran light from Ikea.
I spray painted it white.
Taped it to get the stripes I want. They are not perfectly straight, but I love that about it, and thats saying something for a neurotic person like myself :-). I didn't measure it, just eye balled it.
Then spray painted it gold.
Added the finishing touches of gold coins and voila!
(Images Fatou Bah)
It is truly gorgeous darling!!! Adore the metallic stripes and the coins hanging off of it.
There is a souk feeling to it meets contemporary.
Your DIY posts are my very favorite
Well done my love and when I visit I ma bringing it back with me :)
Love you
Goodness if I knew this is all it took to get you here, I would have done it a long time ago :-).
Thank you so much my darling - this was a rewarding one. I love it when things come together as planned.
Thank you Nancy!
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