This true to scale horse had me cracking up and hooked right away. To quote Moooi "Who wouldn't want a horse lamp to light up their room? Furniture to fall in love with at first sight or hate forever." So true, no? It is definitely not for everybody, I can't even say that it's for me. But isn't this what design is all about. Coming up with new thinks, provoke the viewer to perhaps question their perception of how they think things should be, or can things be done different from the norm and have it work. I like that their designs are very much out there, as a viewer/consumer you can't help but be in awe of them.
This kid's furniture set inspired by adult pieces is quite wonderful. I love the chunky legs.

These are the chairs that landed me on Moooi's page. By the way don't you just love the sound of that name?! It means beautiful in dutch the native language of the founders. An extra o is added to emphasis beauty.
One of the partners Marcel designed a line of ceramics shown above. Don't you love his take on the classic blue and white. What are you thinking after seeing these designs by Moooi? I'd like to hear.
I love the inventive and creativity in their designs. I like that it challenges you to see everyday things a bit differently. This kind of design, my style or not always inspires me. I especially love their line of ceramics. Hop on over there if you'd like to see more of their wonderful stuff.
(Images: Moooi)
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